Prix, Bourse et Distinction

Syed Shan-e-Ali Zaidi wins Bayer Science Start-Up Pitch Award at Lindau Nobel Prize Annual Meeting

Décerné à la réunion annuelle des Prix Nobel de Lindau


The prize rewards his postdoctoral research at Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech on virus resistance genes in crop cassava

Dr Shan e Ali Zaidi is currently doing his postdoctoral research in the Plant Genetics Lab (Prof. Hervé Vanderschuren). He is working on gene mining to identify virus resistance genes in the staple crop cassava. Given the food losses caused by viral diseases in cassava, identification of resistance genes conferring natural resistance to cassava viruses has a great potential to increase food security in the tropics.

Dr Shan e Ali Zaidi ‘s innovative approaches to address this scientific challenge has recently been recognized by the Bayer Science Start-Up Pitch Award that he won during the prestigious Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting.

The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting is one of the most prestigious meeting where young scientists get the opportunity to meet over 30 Nobel prize winners and discuss about science and their scientific career. 


Syed Shan-e-Ali Zaidi lauréat du Bayer Science Start-Up Pitch Award à la réunion annuelle des Prix Nobel de Lindau

Le prix récompense sa recherche postdoctorale à Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech sur les gènes de résistance aux virus dans la culture du manioc.


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