Awards and prizes


It is in the category "Best MOOC designed by a University" that ULiège's MOOC was awarded in Paris in the presence of 150 actors from the e-learning world. A superb international recognition for the ULiège MOOCs team!

The MOOC – “La Fabrique de l'aide internationale” was awarded the prize for "Best MOOC designed by a University" at the MOOC of the Year evening organised in Paris on 27 February 2020 in the presence of 150 actors from the world of e-learning.

The MOOC- “La Fabrique de l'aide internationale” offers the opportunity to discover, in "an offbeat setting", the key concepts of international cooperation, but above all to bring to life a parliamentary simulation by putting oneself in the shoes of a Member of Parliament in charge of rethinking the development aid policy of the imaginary Republic of Hopeland.

Prof. Gautier Pirotte and Véronique Fettweis, the designers of this MOOC, were present in Paris to receive this award, which also honours the whole of the ULiège's MOOCs filmmaking team.

Beyond its formal qualities and the devices allowing an active engagement of the participants in international negotiation processes, the specificity of the MOOC associated with a university course via a "World Café" was appreciated by the jury. This integration into the courses is one of the characteristics and specificities of the MOOCs produced by the University of Liège, placing them at the heart of its students' training, while being accessible and adapted to all interested audiences.

Register (until April 17) for the 3rd session of MOOC - “La Fabrique de l'aide internationale” (in french)


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