
Over 1100 international students and researchers have joined the University of Liège since the beginning of the 2021-2022 academic year.

ULiège organised its annual welcome evening for these new students and researchers on 19 October 2021. About a hundred of them gathered at La Boverie, one of the city of Liège’s prestigious museums.

The evening was a chance to experience the warm and friendly Liégeois environment while getting to know new people. It was also an unique opportunity to be introduced to the university’s academic authorities, representatives from 11 faculties and the administrative services, and to meet some 15 diplomatic representatives and representatives of the Liège consular corps.

In his speech, Rector Pierre Wolper welcomed everyone. He particularly emphasised the position of ULiège on the European scene, as was evident by the CityLabs UNIC festival, which had taken place just a few days before in Liège, bringing together numerous European universities on the theme of inclusion in the context of post-industrial cities. He also highlighted the rich heritage of Liège and recalled the recent creation of the new ULiège Museum and Cultural Centre, in partnership with the City of Liège. Finally, he insisted on the proactive management of ULiège in the context of the covid-19 pandemic, which has characterized the past two academic years.

Patricia Petit, Director of International Relations at ULiège and Oriana Bertucci, Project Manager for the Research and Innovation Administration presented the members of the administrative services and networks (Fédération des étudiants, Réséau des Doctorant·es) who, on the different campuses of Liège, Gembloux and Arlon, can provide support and advice.

La Boverie, the Fine Arts Museum of the City of Liège and international exhibition centre, was the ideal setting for this delightful evening, and a great opportunity for the participants to visit the noteworthy exhibition Yvon Vandycke - V as in Faces, V as in Vandycke, which runs until 21 November 2021.



New international students at ULiège in 2021-2022

(1st, 2nd, 3rd cycles)

This figure corresponds to the 288 researchers in post since January 2022 and the 1 187 international students enrolled for the academic year 2022-2023.




represented in ULiège

in 2022-2023


Find out what it is like to study at the University of Liège as an international student!

Students and PHD students from all around the world chose to come to the University of Liege to study, to work... and to live. Here's why.


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