Scientific colloquium

In Research International

From 8 to 12 May 2023, the University of Liège hosts the 54th edition of the International Symposium on Ocean Dynamics. This symposium is set up and organized annually by the oceanographers of the ULiège. This year, no less than 138 scientists from 30 countries worldwide have gathered in Liège to discuss how we can improve our knowledge of the oceans with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning. This edition is organized in collaboration with the North Carolina State University (USA).


et up 55 years ago by Professor Jacques Nihoul, the "Ocean Colloquium" brings together scientists from all over the world to discuss the dynamics of the oceans and what is being developed in the laboratories to improve our knowledge of the oceans. “This year, the theme focuses on artificial intelligence and machine learning," explains Alexander Barth, a researcher at GHER (FOCUS research unit /Faculty of Science), the ULiège laboratory dedicated to the study and modelling of the marine environment, which organizes the colloquium every year. We welcome scientists from all walks of life and all disciplines. This ensures very rich exchanges. We also wanted to organise this event as a hybrid, as we have been doing for a couple of years, to enable all those unable to travel for professional or personal reasons to participate actively wherever they were. And like any scientific conference, a poster session is organized during the conference. The scientific committee received more than 150 abstracts and accepted 142, which proves their scientific quality.

This 54th edition - COVID-19 in the one in 2020 - brings together more than 130 researchers in person and around 30 online. "We are also fortunate to welcome Katalin Blix (Arctic University of Norway), Ronan Fablet (IMT Atlantic), Pierre Lermusiaux (MIT), Maria J. Molina (University of Maryland) and Maike Sonnewald (Princeton University), our keynote speakers who are well known and recognized worldwide in the field. It is a great honour for us to be able to welcome them here, in the heart of our university." 

See the colloquium website


Alexander Barth

Aida Alvera-Azcarate

ODD 14 : Vie aquatique
Conserver et exploiter de manière durable les océans, les mers et les ressources marines aux fins du développement durable Le quatorzième objectif promeut la conservation et l’exploitation durable des écosystèmes marins et côtiers, selon trois ambitions fondatrices : une gestion plus durable des ressources via la préservation de 10 % des zones marines et côtières, la lutte contre la surpêche et la pêche illicite ; l’accélération des recherches scientifiques et du transfert de techniques pour renforcer la résilience des écosystèmes et réduire au maximum l’acidification des océans ; la conception de la gestion durable des ressources marines comme une opportunité de développement économique et touristique pour les petits États insulaires et les pays les moins avancés.

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